Studying Aboard

USA Universities

Choosing the USA

There are many reasons that students like to come to the USA to study at the undergraduate and graduate level — learn more about what the USA has to offer an international student. This section will help you focus on the main factors that students should consider when deciding whether to pursue an education in the USA.

USA State Guides

The USA is a vast country, and every state is unique in its culture, climate, history, economy and more. New York is very different than Alaska. Our state guides provide complete state by state information, including that state’s popularity amongst international students, to help guide your decision as to where in the US you should study.

Preparation for your stay

All the necessities of life that you have at home, you will have to recreate for your stay in the USA. Do you have your student visa, travel essentials and enough cash to get set up? Have you purchased an international student insurance plan? Are you set up to call home regularly and affordably? Make sure you are fully prepared before you leave for the USA.

The USA “Way of Life”

What will life be like for you while you are studying in the U.S.? Are you thinking of working while you study abroad? What about the challenges of living with a roommate from another country? Here you can learn more about the diverse cultural, social and economic aspects of living, studying and working in the United States.


University Options

  • USA Universities

  • Canada Universities

  • UK Universities

  • Australia Universities


Bilingual Schools in Taiwan


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