Studying Aboard

University of Technology Sydney

Why the University of Technology Sydney?

At a glance

  • UTS is a public university of technology defined by our support for our communities’ economic, social, and cultural prosperity. We are measured by the success of our students, staff and partners and committed to research, innovation and the dissemination of knowledge of public value. We are, and always will, be an inclusive university.
  • UTS has a culturally diverse campus life and vibrant international exchange study and research programs that prepare graduates for the workplaces of today and the future. Our campus is in the heart of Sydney’s creative and digital precinct and alongside Sydney’s central business district. Continuing a 10-year period of major development, the ongoing transformation of the UTS campus will ensure we continue to maintain and develop a purpose- and sustainably built campus to support innovation in education and research.
  • Our purpose is to advance knowledge and learning through research-inspired teaching, research with impact and partnerships with industry, the professions and the community. More than ever, preparing and supporting our graduates to succeed in the future workforce, driving innovation and entrepreneurship, supporting open and rigorous public debate, and delivering excellent, impactful research will be the hallmarks of our success. To achieve this, our leadership in learning and teaching must be coupled with international renown in research and a world-class infrastructure that supports our vibrant intellectual environment. In addition, the achievement of our vision relies on attracting and connecting high-quality students, academics, researchers and partners, people who are passionate about knowledge, learning, discovery, creativity and making a positive impact in the world.

The reasons to choose the University of

  1. Leading Research: Our world-leading research centres span various disciplines, including physical, biological and engineering sciences and contemporary fields such as design, nanotechnology and sustainability. Our researchers provide practical and relevant solutions to issues of national and international importance and equip graduates with the latest discipline-specific skills and practices.
  2. Academic Excellence: In line with the UTS model of global practice-oriented learning, many of our students undertake professional practice during their degrees. As part of their degree program, students also have the opportunity to study at one of more than 185 universities in about 40 countries with which UTS has exchange agreements.
  3. Partnership: UTS maintains strong relationships with the local community, industry, business and professions through a wide range of partnerships, projects and events.
  4. Support and Service: As a public purpose institution, UTS is committed to supporting positive social change within and beyond our campus. This commitment is reflected by a diverse set of institution-wide social justice initiatives that have only expanded in scope and impact since UTS was established. In addition, student-based programs, focused research and innovative teaching approaches aim to create a more just and equitable world.

Let’s explore the campus!

What you study is one thing, but where you study it is another. So we’ve invested $1.3 billion in creating a dynamic campus of the future, with tech-driven, purpose-built spaces that will inspire you to learn.

When you’re not in class, please take advantage of our student spaces, relax on the Alumni Green, and make the most of living in one of the world’s great cities. Are you the entrepreneurial type? Sydney’s creative and digital industries surround us so that you could be learning next door to and collaborating with some of the big names in your field.

Life in a new city can be challenging – but we provide support services to help you along the way, many of which are free. Our student services include:

  • English language support
  • Study support
  • Career development
  • Confidential medical and counselling services
  • Sports organisations and facilities
  • Peer networking and peer support opportunities
  • Housing support


Pathways to the University of

  • Undergraduate students
  • Postgraduate students
  • Research students
  • Short course and micro-credential participants
  • Students with accessibility requirements

Study Options

  1. Business & economics
    • Accounting & Finance
    • Economics & Econometrics
    • Business & Management
  2. Engineering & technology
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • General Engineering
    • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  3. Physical sciences
    • Mathematics & Statistics
    • Chemistry
    • Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
    • Physics & Astronomy
  4. Education
  5. Social sciences
    • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
    • Sociology
    • Communication & Media Studies
  6. Life sciences
    • Agriculture & Forestry
    • Sport Science
    • Biological Sciences
  7. Arts & humanities
    • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
    • History, Philosophy & Theology
    • Art, Performing Arts & Design
    • Architecture
  8. Clinical, pre-clinical & health
    • Medicine & Dentistry
    • Other Health
  9. Law
  10. Computer science
  11. Psychology



P.O. Box 123, Broadway, New South Wales, NSW 2007, Australia

  • The UTS City campus comprises three main building clusters called precincts, as well as other specialist facilities and student accommodation buildings.
  • The Broadway precinct includes the Tower, UTS Central (Building 2) and several faculty buildings for Science, Health, Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering and IT, and Design, Architecture and Building. The Haymarket precinct is located near Chinatown and includes Building 5 (the former UTS Library) and the Frank Gehry-designed Dr Chau Chak Wng Building. Finally, the Blackfriars precinct is home to the Blackfriar’s Children’s Central (UTS child care) and several other small buildings.


Australia Universities



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