Studying Aboard

La Trobe College Australia

Why La Trobe College Australia?

  • La Trobe College Australia is a pathway institution located on campus at La Trobe University in Melbourne and Sydney.
  • We deliver courses to help students’ pathway to La Trobe University if they cannot gain direct entry into a bachelor or master course of their choice.
  • We teach both domestic and international students in a nurturing environment. Best of all, our Diploma students receive credit for their studies and enter the second year of their preferred degree.
  • International students who complete our Foundation programs can enter the first year of a chosen degree at the university. We offer three different streams to choose from.

Explore the Campus


Programme – Pathway to La Trobe University

Why La Trobe University?

  • La Trobe University is a public research university located in Melbourne, Australia. The university was established in 1964 and became the third university in the state of Victoria.
  • The university provides undergraduate, postgraduate, research, English and pathway courses across its two colleges: arts, social science and commerce; and science, health and engineering. Within these two colleges, students can study a variety of courses including business, law, life sciences, rural health and public health among others.
  • The university offers Work Integrated Learning which aims to help students build their professional experience and develop workplace skills.
  • Students can take part in study abroad programmes and students from China, Mauritius, Singapore and Vietnam are able to gain a La Trobe degree which studying at one of La Trobe’s partner universities in those countries.
  • Students can get involved with different formats of student media include the 3rd Degree magazine and Rabelais Student Media newspaper.
  • The Melbourne campus is home to the sports centre, which has a fully equipped gym, squash and tennis courts, volleyball, badminton, indoor soccer, netball and basketball courts, a swimming pool and dance and yoga studios.
  • There are more than 90 student-run clubs and societies at the university including coding, yoga, Latin dance, music, chess and many more. The Student’s Union also runs a number of events throughout the year.


  • World University Rankings 2021: 201–250th
  • Impact Rankings 2021: 4th
  • Young University Rankings 2017: =56th


Kingsbury Drive, Bundoora, Melbourne, Victoria, VIC 3086, Australia


Australia Universities



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