Studying Aboard

Torrens University Australia

Study at Torrens University Australia

At a glance

Torrens University is a private university in Australia. With campuses in Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Torrens University became the 33rd university in Australia and the first new university in 20 years. It opened in 2013 and started teaching in 2014 in its headquarters building in the Torrens Building in Adelaide city centre. Admission is through Universities Admissions Centre and South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre based on the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Let’s explore the campus!

Pathways to the University of

  1. The university currently offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Business Administration, Commerce, Education, Global Project Management, Public Health, Design and Digital Media, and Higher Degrees by Research.
  2. Postgraduate Business courses are delivered through the Chifley Business School at Torrens University Australia imprint. Design faculties include the Media Design School and Billy Blue College of Design.
  3. Torrens University Australia also runs English language courses.

Study Options


  1. Adelaide – was the first location in the country, opening its first campus in the heritage-listed Torrens Building on Victoria Square/Tarndanyangga, in the CBD, in 2013.
  2. Brisbane – is home to two campuses: the Fortitude Valley Campuses, central to the CBD and within walking distance of Fortitude Valley train station; the Torrens University Language Centre on Bowen Terrace, and the Gotha Street campus.
  3. Melbourne – plays host to three campuses, two of which are located on Melbourne’s main street, Flinders Street (including the Torrens University Language Centre). The third is located in the inner-city suburb of Fitzroy.
  4. Sydney/Blue MountainsThere are six campuses in the Sydney region, including five within the CBD. These campuses include the Ultimo campus, The Rocks, Pyrmont, Town Hall, Kent Street (which includes the Torrens University Language Centre), and the Blue Mountains campus on the outskirts of metropolitan Sydney. The Blue Mountains campus is located in the suburb of Leura, adjacent to Katoomba. The campus is home to Torrens University’s Practical Learning Centre, a simulated hotel environment where students learn hotel management as part of their practical development.
  5. Auckland, New ZealandThe Media Design School is situated in Auckland city centre, spread over several floors in a high-rise building. Each floor is designed to meet the needs of each digital discipline.


Australia Universities



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