Studying Aboard

King’s University College at Western University


Founded in 1954, King’s University College at Western University is a Catholic, liberal arts university college affiliated with a large, world class university. King’s students enjoy “The Best of Both Worlds” – small classes led by outstanding faculty on a small, beautiful campus while enjoying the experiences of being part of a comprehensive university. King’s students have complete access to all the facilities and services at Western University and graduate with a Western degree.

King’s is a public Catholic University College engaged in the open pursuit of truth and the discovery and sharing of knowledge in service to humanity. By integrating academic programs rooted in the liberal arts with comprehensive student support, King’s creates an inclusive and empowering space for students by nourishing their capacity for critical thought, articulate expression, creativity, and ethical action.

King’s is recognized, both nationally and internationally, for its excellent academic programs, generous scholarships and comprehensive student services. Offering degree programs in the arts, social sciences, management and social work.

At a glance

  • King’s University College offers an Industry Internship Program for Management and Organizational Studies students interested in practical experience prior to graduation. Many employers find that this program is even better than a traditional co-op program as it gives the employer a longer time to assess the students and the students are able to work on advanced projects and see them through from beginning to end.
  • The King’s Promise will be a signature program that guarantees students meaningful employment within their first six months post-graduation through participation in programming created or supported by King’s University College. For students not gaining employment after six months, King’s will guarantee additional undergraduate courses and career preparation for up to one-year post-graduation. In addition to the guarantee for students, which is the foundation of the program, King’s is also making a promise to the employer community that we are developing student’s talents for the current and future workforce. At the same time, King’s is making a promise to the community by developing change makers and leaders that will make a difference in London and other communitie
  • Various scholarships are available.

Location – 266 Epworth Avenue, London, Ontario, Canada


Canada Universities



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